Retail and Distribution Laws

BC LCLB Warns on Internet Marketing

Wineries and other licensees should be aware that the BC LCLB issued a statement on internet marketing in the October 2011 issue of their “Liquor Line” newsletter which is available on the LCLB website here. The statement warns licensees that the sale or advertising of any liquor product without a license is not legal in BC. It then continues by saying “[t]herefore companies like Groupon or cannot legally include liquor as part of a promotion. Given this, it is not permitted for licensees to enter into and offer these sorts of promotions. (emphasis added)” This wording could be interpreted as prohibiting many third-party marketing companies from including liquor as part of their marketing services or promotions when they are working with a licensee such as a winery or retailer.

The question then arises: is it legal for third party marketing companies to work with licensees at all and, if so, what can they do? It is my view that it is legal for third party marketing companies to work with licensees so long as all parties pay careful attention to structuring their relationships correctly.  The issues are basically the same as those faced by the California ABC which recently issued a detailed advisory on these issues (Third Party Providers – PDF) which was created after extensive industry consultation and legal advice. It’s my opinion that the analysis in the California advisory is well done and should also be applicable to British Columbia.

I have confirmed with the BC LCLB that their statement was based on an analysis of the ‘default’ method of Groupon promotion under which the marketing company processes and is an integral part of the sale. However, there are, in fact, many other methods of structuring internet promotions (some of which may be legal and some of which may not) and the LCLB has also confirmed that “each case must be considered on its own merits”. However, the LCLB has not confirmed that they will follow the same principles as have been established in California and there may well now be confusion within the BC industry as to what is permissible and what is not (as there was in California prior to the ABC issuing its ruling). In the interim, licensees should be cautious about internet marking and should obtain legal advice if they are entering into these types of marketing arrangements.

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